Back in Business
Hello, Gentle Readers!
I'm back after a day out of commission. I took a spill Tuesday night at the roller rink and landed on my tailbone. It was like a scene out of wrestlemania, except without the wrestlers and the cushy landing. Needless to say, my ass hurts. My pride, well, it's getting better too. Nothing like falling in front of your peers to make you feel oh-so-fabulous. Heh.
Anyhoo, lots has happened since! I taught another library instruction class today. The kids were actually interested in what I had to say (or at least they did a great job of pretending to be). It was wild. It's days like today that make being a librarian not so bad.
Sadly, sassy former TX governor Ann Richards passed away last night from cancer. I am in all black today. Wow...what if she had beaten out Dubya for a second term as governor all those years ago...? Would we be in the ridiculous mess we're in now if she had? What if... What if.
Last night on Project Runway, Angela AND Vincent were brought back to compete! Eeek! Fortunately, they were kicked off again. Sucks to be them, eh? Not so fortunately, my favorite designer, Kayne, was also kicked off. Poo. I'm still cheering for Michael to win -- he's a good designer and a nice person. Jeffrey should take a lesson or two from Mr. Knight.
Ditto on everything about Project Runway. I was sad to Kayne go but he just didn't gel with the judges. I was so nervous for Laura but I pick Michael for the win, too. And seriously: Angela is way smoking too much crack. I don't think anyone likes her on the show.
Congrats on the library instruction classes!! Yesterday I saw one of my students mouth "she's so weird" to a fellow student during my presentation. Hehehehehe, funny. Hey, if you don't like vampires, hit the road!
I too am sad about Ann Richards passing. She was on King of the Hill for God's sakes!! Great lady!
~The Booklahver
What's up with Angela's ugly-ass bubble skirts? As if the "granny disk" rosettes weren't enough!
I'll miss Kayne, but at least he won the challenge for the pageant dress.
I like Laura, but, in agreement with the neuts, I want Michael to win. Yet I appreciate Jefferey's smart-assedness. Arrogant? Yes. Comical? Yes.
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