Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Funny things about Texas. No. 1

Yes, Cowboy Church. I don't get it either but apparently they're quite popular around here. I suppose everyone dresses in their best country-western gear and praises the Lord? Instead of a parking lot, they have hitching posts? Perhaps one Sunday when I'm bored I'll check out how one "preaches Jesus cowboy-style." Perhaps not.


Anonymous said...

You're right about the western gear, probably right about hitching posts too in very small towns (hey, one of the students at the other campus asked about hitching posts...really..he did). I think this was a way to tap into a population of Christians that wanted to wear cowboy hats inside and refused to come to church unless they did. Stranger things have happenend! (see: snake handling).
The Booklahver

Vampire Librarian said...

Bikers for Jesus and Heaven's Saints Motorcycle Ministry will always have the most unusual congregations.

Anonymous said...

And this week's special guest. . . Lester. Testify!