Wednesday, July 12, 2006

"Asking for it"

Yet another appalling example of misogyny in our world: girls in Cameroon have their breasts "ironed" so they will be "less attractive to men" and "avoid being raped".

Right...because women have breasts, therefore, they should be raped. Sheesh. What the hell is going on that these so-called "traditions" of women hurting other women because they think men can't be taught to respect them are established and maintained?

You know, if everyone on the planet stopped catering to men's power issues and men's sexual needs and men's this and that, and instead treated women like PEOPLE (not merely as objects for male manipulation and pleasure) MAYBE shit like mutilating young girls' breasts in Cameroon or cutting off girls' clitorises in Yemen or forced abortions in China or being gang-raped in Jamaica and then blamed for the crime wouldn't happen!

The list of atrocities committed every day against women by men, against women by other women because of men, and against women by their communities/governments is too long to list here. Now I'm so ridiculously angry, I'm gonna go take a break.

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