Thursday, November 20, 2008

Copernicus for Pres!

Actual remains of Copernicus, the guy who dared to say the Earth revolved around the Sun and not the other way around, have been found.

In other news, Dubya plans to ROLL BACK protections on endangered species before he leaves office next month. One more "fuck you" to the world, I guess. Seems Dubya subscribes to a "The Sun revolves around ME" kind of worldview.


Paradox said...

Why does everyone always imagine that they would have agreed with Copernicus had they lived in his time...

tiny robot said...

I didn't mean to imply that...I was trying to point out how at the time science was "bad" unless it agreed with the worldview of the Catholic Church. Same goes for Galileo and stem cell research.

Fortunately today, we're not at the mercy of one particular religious view regarding scientific discovery and thought.

I'm sure NOBODY agreed with Copernicus, save himself and his pals. It's not like anyone had any idea that Earth rotated around the Sun, not vice versa. Barely anyone could even read, much less had the time to bother worrying about celestial mechanics.

So, no, Christopher, I don't think everyone, or even anyone, agreed with Copernicus back in his day. I'm sure people thought he was crazy or a witch or both. But it's still pretty amazing that he pushed forward with his endeavors and helped to bring science a huge leap forward despite societal pressures.

Thanks for reading!

Paradox said...

I really should check back after I leave comments. Usually when someone brings up Religion/Copernicus they always place themselves on the side of Copernicus, which I've always found humorous. I was probably thinking that you had implied the same assumption. Your comment cleared it up! Keep up the good blogging!