Monday, December 18, 2006

Time's Man of the Year

So did I violate the heart of my first post with this title or what? Yes, because I do long for the days when only men, manly men, and their manly accomplishments could be the most important (or most popular) of an entire year. So who is Time's Man of the Year? None other than George W. Bush. Well, not really, but in a superficial way, yes, technically its true, but unfortunately the only way he'd know is if he actually read the Time article. Of course a deeper read of the article means that Bush would actually have to know what a blog, YouTube, or MySpace is. So no, he is not, but You are. Yes, you reading this right now. But its not all hugs and kisses. People love idol worship and now TIME has insidiously taken it from them. Seriously, at this time of year especially we need something to worship, and if not (insert some douchebag) then who? BTW, WTF with the spell check not recognizing the word "blog."


Anonymous said...

sweet. yet another american icon which shows just how stupid the general population is!


tiny robot said...

When I heard about "You" I was decidedly underwhelmed. Sure, Time should do whatever it can to keep readers, but this? This is just lame.

As for Blogger spellcheck, it, too, is lame. :-)

f is for Fer; he failed to floss said...

TIME is past its pull date, utility-wise. Only with their "(Blank) Of The Year" stunt during the slowest news week of the year do they get any publicity at all anymore.

On the other hand, they did recognize Fun home as the best book of 2006, the first of many honors for Ms Bechdel. My sense is that the Pulitzer and even Nobel committees will not be far behind.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I guess I was the only one who thought that their "stunt" was cool. Upon reflection however, (and with a contact high from the cynicism), I guess one could make the case that there really just wasn't anyone worthy of "person of the year," since it was such a shitty year full of shitty shitty personalities.

tiny robot said...

And Celebrity Junk. Don't leave out the Junk!

Although I can see why Time probably didn't want to put Paris' lady parts on the cover of their magazine...eww.

f is for Fer; he failed to floss said...

She might have parts, but Ms Hilton is no lady.

baby guanaco said...

ok, just catching up w/my blog reading, even my own, due to jobbing it lately and all.

dude, that is really really cool that Alison Bechdal got best book for this year. i would never guess that the creator of the "Dykes to Watch Out For" comic would be honored by the fogey-est of old fogey rags, Time. almost makes me suspicious. but until i have reason to get all conspiracist, i will say that this is one sparkly bright spot in a crappy list for a crappy magazine.

tiny robot said...

Everyone knows the Gay Mafia runs The Media...