Thursday, December 07, 2006

More Mary...

There's been much talk about this pregancy in the past few days. Of course, all the typical fundamental folks (CWA, Focus onthe Family, and various others for the repression of human sexuality) are all upset that Mary Cheney dared to get pregnant (and don't forget: is still gay--gasp!). Other groups sympathetic to gay and lesbian rights are voicing support for the pregnancy and are hoping that it will somehow convince the current Administration to change its stance on same sex marriage, especially since the VP's daughter is very much unwed to her partner of 15 years. Sadly, Mary's partner, Heather, will never have a legal relationship with her child as long as they continue to reside in Virginia, a state with some of the strictest anti-gay laws in the land. (Virginia is for lovers my ass!) My previous post implied my continuing frustration with Ms Cheney for not speaking out publicly about her party's opposition to marriage and other civil rights for gays and lesbians. (She worked for the Republican Party in the 2004 election.) She doesn't have to be a spokesperson or an advocate if she doesn't want to be. Her dad is the one in public office, not her. Right? However, what I want to know is how can she live with herself knowing that she has a voice that can be heard directly by the top two people in the U.S. Executive branch and yet doesn't say anything publicly about how the current law of the land denies her, her partner, and her future child, equal rights under the law simply because of her sexual orientation! Now that she's starting a full-fledged family of her own maybe her approach of standing back and letting her dad's administration walk all over her and thousands upon thousands of other gay people in this country will change? But judging from past experience we'll probably never know how she feels. Unless she writes another crappy book explaining how she's just another run-of-the-mill Republican who whole-heartedly supports the team (even though the team doesn't support her). It's hypocracy in action! Woot!


baby guanaco said...

hmmm, i wonder what a meeting between the Cheney family, and the Keyes family would be like, particularly the conversation between Mary and Maya, who despite having supported her father's political career, does work to further her own civil rights.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you on it all. . . but I wonder if she thinks her pregnancy *is* her way of "voicing" her beliefs. Goodness knows she spends a lot of time around people who are all talk and no action.

BUT, to support your point that she's too silent, I think it will be interesting to see if she becomes more vocal when her political "friends" stop inviting her to their family barbeques.

tiny robot said...

Perhaps, but she's soooo passive-agressive. It gives queers everywhere a bad name. (Not like queers don't already get smeared every 1.2 seconds...)