Friday, December 15, 2006

Fear and Self-Loathing in Your Vegas

Following on DM's post about PC-ness and multiculturalism, while I was in DC, I got invited to sit in the audience of some local public television show, done in sort of an old-school Phil Donahue style, which focusing on multiculturalism that day. It was a reaction to Maryland Gov. Ehrlich's recently stupid extreme comments about immigrants ruining our country, yadda yadda yadda. What I really hated seeing during the taping was this Asian lady there, speaking out almost passionately for "traditional American values," and essentially defending the loss of dominant white male culture. I was little too shocked to even try to process this at the time.

I'm always so weirded out by people like Mary Cheney; or even worse Ward Connerly, who is actively fighting to dismantle affirmative action, and school integration. This black dude is working dismantle Brown v. Board of Education. His friggin' org is called American Civil Rights Institute. Can you believe it? Crazy. Even more puzzling, why isn't the press all over this guy, or this issue? That's 50 years of hard work by Brown et al. down the drain.

I recently got a book called The Attack Queers: Liberal Society and the Gay Right, and am reading Female Chauvinist Pigs: Women and the Rise of Raunch Culture. I am fascinated and continually curious, and yet I still don't really get it--how and why does one continue to justify working against yourself on an issue?


Anonymous said...

thank you, baby guanaco! yeah, how can a woman call herself a woman if she buys into raunchy american culture? porn stars and paris hilton (though is there a difference?). gag! who wants to use them as role models?

and don't even get me started on the gay right! forget the idea that being gay is unnatural. being gay and part of the gay right is unnatural!

but i have seen first hand that crap about minorities supporting "loss of dominant white male culture." My dad does it!

thanks for touching off a nerve.


baby guanaco said...

i understand it when minorities are being conservative, and/or in their own way, "traditionalists." but, why in the heck would they defend those that do not generally wish them well? it's not like minorities are going to finally be let into the country club fully as members for that, because their core beliefs about you are that you are beneath them.

disclaimer for those who might misinterpret: i'm certainly not saying that all or even most white guys or white people are like that. you kids know what kind of assholes i'm talking about. come on, some of my best friends are white guys, and girls.

Anonymous said...

yeah, some of your best friends like sidney!


tiny robot said...

Yeah, things have gotten bad...especially now that celebrity "junk" has had the Best Year Ever. The objectification of women continues...supported by some of the most famous celebutards you know.

I keep waiting for the day that Patriarchy doesn't equal Oppression but until all those "conservative" (a.k.a. "confused") minorities get their head out of the clouds, no one will take them seriously. Oy.

baby guanaco said...

yeah, and if you get upset by stuff like celebrity "junk," you'll get accused of not having a sense of humor. it's a catch 22--either applaud and/or participate in your own degradation, or be accused of being a humorless PC choad.

maybe that's why minorities sometimes are doing the former. the problem is that people are taking them seriously. first, they get attention simply because they are so friggin' weird. then, they are regarded as credible for their conservative opinions, because supposedly they "lived it"--pulled themselves up by their bootstraps into the mainstream, so why can't the rest of their folk do the same. two of many examples are mentioned in the original post.

on humor, i like Dave Chappelle a lot. i even like Sarah Silverman. i can't tell you how to draw the line between funny and hurtful, but some people do cross it, probably sometimes unintentionally.

tiny robot said...

Celebrity junk isn't really all that funny. Unless you count P. Hilton's junk being called "Wolverine."

That shit will never get old!