Monday, November 27, 2006

Woo! It's good to be back!

First, let me say it is good to be back from the land of dial-up hell. My dad has the slowest dial-up that side o' the Mississip' and no matter how often I tell him his frustrations would be [mostly] solved with the installation and use of cable modem, he continues to access the Internet the old-fashioned way via his 26 kbp phoneline. Ugh. It's like watching water boil.

Second, I walked a mile and a half yesterday. That, in addition to the two miles I did early Friday morning, plus the 2 miles Thursday night, makes for 5.5 miles walked in the past 5 days, not counting walking done in the "normal" course of events. I have to admit, I feel good. Perhaps I'll commit this time? The prospect of buying bigger clothes is quite the motivator.

Third, Baby G and I went to see El Vez with friends last night! What a GREAT show! Costume changes, dancing girls, giant Santas and snowmen... for $15, you just don't get much more than that! Plus, it was over by 10pm so I was able to get home in time to watch a Travel channel special on the QE2. Woo hoo! Dork out!

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