Monday, November 13, 2006

Who knew?

Walmart is too pro-gay? Huh?

Super-uptight organization AFA can't even bring themselves to spell out the word "damn" so you know they're upset that Walmart gives 5% of its online sales to the Nat'l Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

Via feministing.


Anonymous said...

Ack..that AFA is nauseating. I like how it's "pro-family" so anything they don't endorse will automatically be "anti-family." I had a whole story about Thanksgiving and them but I lost it. Something along the lines of the hidden (or not so hidden) homoeroticism of Thanksgiving.
~The Booklahver

tiny robot said...

Yeah, they're so concerned with the so-called "homosexual agenda" that one starts to wonder if their entire organization is composed of self-loathing latent homosexuals. (Or, as I like to say, homer-sexules.)

All I can say about the crazies at AFA is A) chill out, no one's interested in making a pass at you, and B) turn off your television if you don't like what's on.

baby guanaco said...

Okay, I just went to the AFA link, and these guys honestly just don't know how funny--funny ha ha, and funny queer--they actually are.

I think I liked this part best:

A quick search of Wal-Mart's website turned up the following number of items for sale:

Gay - 1148
Lesbian - 468
Transgender - 40
Bisexual - 38
Gay Marriage - 26

Check it has well over a thousand alternative lifestyles for sale! I mean I would be happy with the ability to just buy a gay, but knowing there's so many different kinds out there, I gotta catch 'em all!

baby guanaco said...

From the same link:

Let Wal-Mart know their embracement of the homosexual agenda is a bad business decision.

The great thing about capitalism is that if you pay attention, you certainly begin to notice who in your society has the most disposable income, and that everyone, even those fashionable gays, need a source for cheap plastic crap.

One of things that marriage, and even more so, kids, will do is lessen this demographic's disposable income. So, its very interesting that the AFA is against the very things that will "normalize" gays, thus causing less reason for marketers to cater to them.

baby guanaco said...

Okay, okay, final funny thing about the AFA...if you go to Don Wildmon's (the AFA founder) AFA "About Us" page you will see that, among many other things:

AFA promotes Pornography Awareness Week

I wonder what kind they like best...

tiny robot said...

Is "embracement" a word? I guess so, but it just sounds fake. I mean, who says that??

baby guanaco said...

well, i don't know about you, but i exercise an embracement of my agenda all the time. i luff to luff it...preferably while watching my favorite soft-core porn.