Saturday, November 18, 2006

come with me and you'll see a world of pure imagination

Happy birthday to Gentle Reader Nan! (better late than never, eh?)

Lovely Nan had us over for yummies and Trivial Pursuit at her new apt this evening. It was so much fun. (It was also nice to get out of the house after about 48 hrs of being sick as a dog.) I think I ate all of the olives... it was just good to be able to taste food again.

The Pentagon today decided to take a HUGE step BACKWARDS and declare that gays in the military suffer from a "mental disorder". Wow...and while we're at it, the sun revolves around the earth... Geez, Pentagon, why don't you wake up? It's 2006. The pschyological community determined over 30 yrs ago that being gay was not a disorder, that people were born that way. Like, duh!



baby guanaco said...

happy birthday to Nan!

cheers to Tiny Robot for going out, even while feeling poopy, and contributing to very fun evening!

giant poops on the Pentagon!

tiny robot said...

Ha! "Giant poops on the Pentagon!"

That would be hilarious. I can see it now.