Monday, November 13, 2006


Um, this is a memorial to Pat Tillman. You know--that kid who turned down the NFL to enlist in the Army, only to die by "friendly fire" in Afghanistan months later? Tillman's death was quite controversial, not only because it was due to friendly fire, but because of the backlash it inspired.

Well, the Arizona Cardinals have erected this statue in his memory. It reminds of me of a lost prop from the set of The Replacements via Jabba the Hut's carbon-freezing chamber.

War hero? Government propaganda guy? Whatever he was, hopefully Mr Tillman is at rest, although if someone made a statue like this to honor me, I'd be turnin' wild in my grave.


baby guanaco said...

um, wow. that's egregious. not just another statue.

Leanos' text mentions that Tillman was "a self-declared atheist." this statue certainly makes me question the existence of god.

Dewdrop Falling said...

"a lost prop from the set of The Replacements via Jabba the Hut's carbon-freezing chamber"

You have such a way with words!

Anonymous said...

I agree, not very flattering. I'm glad you posted the whole statue because I had just seen the head and that was enough to make me wonder why he looked like he was in such agony. I guess he is supposed to look like he is in the grips of victory? If I ever become a hero (which is highly unlikely) or a warlord (more likely) and a statue is created of me, please make sure I look pleasant and not like I'm birthing anything from one of my voids.
~The Booklahver

tiny robot said...

B, just for the record, you'd make an awesome warlord!

tiny robot said...

I would also like to add the following quote:

"Immortality! Take it! It's yours!"