Friday, September 29, 2006

Who else is left to piss off?

Apparently Denny's restaurants have pissed off yet another group of minorities, in this case persons with disabilities. In the mid-90's and still recently here in the 00's, as the article mentions, there were several discrimination lawsuits filed against the restaurant chain. There are two not mentioned in this article: one of them involving a group of Asian American students and the African American students who tried to help them, all of whom got beat up by some white customers; the second, a sexual harrassment suit.

Wow. It's as if, there's some good ol' boys at corporate who have put together a complex master plan with a list of groups they plan to piss off, while confusing the public at the same time. I mean, really--the first time, okay, you were dumb, and you learned your lesson. You show that you're making efforts, and you're forgiven. The next ten or so times, after claiming to have put together a massive campaign of improvements? Well, then it gets kinda hard to really believe you.

I myself have never had a bad experience at Denny's, even during and post-lawsuits. I'm not a frequenter of the place either, but I do like breakfast foods, a lot. In fact, I think the last time I went, the staff at one outside of Planet Houston were falling on themselves to be as nice as they could to us. But, when you hear about this stuff over and over again, it's really hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt.


tiny robot said...

Perhaps Denny's is run by some supremacy-type outfit and that's why they keep discriminating against minorities?

You're right about one thing: fool me once...etc.

baby guanaco said...

yeah, i was thinking of the same saying. maybe they are implementing their improvement policies in as clumsy a manner as Dubya delivered the "fool me once..." saying a few years ago?