Thursday, September 28, 2006

D-U-M, dumb.

Abstinence: crusteacean-style. Retarded.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I "get" the dog tags. Is that so every time you look at your dog, you can be reminded that "no sex is safe sex"? I like the rose poem too: "don't let your husband left holding a bare stem." If your husband likes bare stems, he probably is not into the ladies. :?
~The Booklahver

baby guanaco said...

wow, those dog tags are so manly, they're gay. dorktastic.

DM said...

When I went to the Society of American Archivists Annual Meeting in LA in 2003, the planners for the 2004 Boston meeting were handing out the exact same crab, except this crab touted Boston, not the self-delusional fantasy that is abstinence-only sex ed.

Anonymous said...

Ask guanaco about a conversation she overheard in high school regarding crabs and used panties.

tiny robot said...

Who let the Cock out?!
Who! Who! Who! Who! Who!

f is for Fer; he failed to floss said...

And I thought Crazy Crab was crazy; clearly, we should never underestimate evangelicals and their sharp yet cuddly pincers.

tiny robot said...

Oh sweet gods! If I saw something like that crab running at me, I think I'd faint dead away. No wonder they shelved it -- it looks like a sunburned pancake with legs.