Baby G's Famous Cousin
When our dear robot was even tinier, and I was much more of a baby, we enjoyed many of the offerings of the Children's Television Workshop, particularly this really great segment below.
I was fascinated with this segment for many reasons at the time. This little girl was about my age, and she was allowed to walk around the streets by herself, without any grown-ups saying anything about it to her. She owned a big cute weirdo animal--who the heck has a llama for a pet in the middle of the city, and what the heck was a llama? And finally, it was amazing to me that there was some guy who seemed to have a job just cleaning llama teeth. I thought to myself, "How much business could this guy actually have?" and "No wonder he was friends with this little girl." I was only like 5 years old at the time, and was unaware that vetinarians took care of a whole host of pet health needs for a bunch of different kinds of animals. Besides all that, it was a damn catchy tune, which I would I end up singing all day.
Today, I enjoy it for nostalgia reasons, of course; but also for it's display of a truly unique hairstyle. The girl looks like she got that standard kinda bouncy bowl haircut that many kids, including myself, had at the time. But when she takes her coat off, she's got a lot more hair hanging off the bowl, though this hair is stringy and doesn't move with the rest of her head, and is kinda like the bottom part of a mullet. I dub this new old 'do "the bowllet," and a fancy one it is, too. If I wait any longer to get the haircut I so desperately need, I might soon be sporting a bowllet myself.
this might just be me but that fucking llama has some mother fucking scary eyes.
they are the proud eyes of the camelid family. don't mess with us.
Things that I like about that clip:
* The llama dentist looks a bit like Albert Brooks, if he were thinner and balder. Who needs laughing gas?
* Damn! Get me whatever whitening strips that llama is using. Donny Osmond is perhaps the only mammal that has whiter teeth.
* Grover shows up for just a split-second at the beginning, plenty of time for a nice furry hug.
OMG!! As soon as the song started, I remembered it! I used to sing that song and I must have picked it up from this llama dentist thing (no two words ever sounded sweeter :) )
Things I like about this clip:
1)Terrified and disgusted girl watching her llama's teeth cleaning.
2)Llama also terrified and jerking away from dentist.
3)Dentist hand clamped over llama face
Me and my llama, ba da doo da dama, me and my llama today!!!
~The Booklahver
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