Monday, July 17, 2006

Yee Haw! It's Monday!

Gentle Readers, I am awake this morning! And as the immortal Nina Simone would say, "I am feelin' good!"

I think I'm actually getting used to this bidness of getting up at the crack of dawn. [Yikes!] However, if I was feeling slothful, it's good to know I could order my groceries online from the purchase-tracking folks at amazon. This online grocery shopping is very appealing to me because I hate grocery stores. I love eating food, but not buying it. Heh, go figure.

Another contributing factor to my pleasant mood is the fact that I get to catalog some cool books today. Such as Pin-up Grrrls, Beer: Health & Nutrition, The Hershey's Kisses Subtraction Book (do they make this for calculus too?), and The Complete Calvin & Hobbes three-volume hardbound box set (it weighs 23 lbs). Yowzahs!


f is for Fer; he failed to floss said...

The Complete Calvin & Hobbes is the greatest book(s) ever published. You have chosen wisely.

baby guanaco said...

Look out, Walton Family - Amazon will one day rule the world. I just can't wait until they release the Amazon Hardcore, so that I can shop for crack rock and heroin and have them delivered to my door via Super Saver Shipping, too.

baby guanaco said...

Those are very cool books that you're getting to catalog. Workplace satisfaction - good times.

stef is super said...

hmmm... "when I was 17, I drank some very good beer...."