Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hot Water Baby! And the Sizzle is On!

The gas was finally turned on at the El Rancho Relaxo (I'm working on a better name for the casa...give me time) yesterday. Yay! I baked a frozen pizza for dinner, swilled some beer, watched The Simpsons, and then went to Target to nab some sundries. I came home, washed dishes in scalding hot water (woo! clean!) and dutifully went to bed at 10pm. This morning, I took my first hot shower in 10 days. Ten days, people! I can finally say without hesitation it is good to have gas.

Mr Daxie still hasn't fully forgiven me for locking him up while the gas man came over yesterday. When I came home from Target yesterday, he was sitting atop the fridge, giving me the evil eye. The garbage truck also came by this morning. Daxie is flat-out terrified of the garbage truck. Let us hope he doesn't take out his anxiety on my duvet...

In other news:
Baby G and the furniture will arrive in ten days.

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