Tuesday, June 13, 2006

brevity is the soul of wit

I'm finally able to post after many days! I hope you are all well, Gentle Readers. I've been suffering through car problems, panic attacks, and finding my way to work and back. It's getting better every day, however, have no fear! The gas gets turned on Monday, so no more cold showers. (It's not so bad. They wake me up at 6:30am for sure.)

The new job is so far, so good as they say. Basically, I've been filling out paperwork and learning my way around campus. It's quiet here and the folk are ridiculously friendly and most importantly, competent. Above all, we have the funding to actually do the work we need to do and a provost and dean who support us! Woo!

I feel quite disconnected as I haven't had internet connectivity in many days. The landline finally came on yesterday and brought relief. I'm still searching for the perfect little tv for the cable guy to hook my cable up to next week, in the meantime am watching DVDs on the computer.


Dewdrop Falling said...

So, I guess you are here now? Welcome back home sister!

tiny robot said...

Thanks, df! It's good to be here...i just need 2 more of me to do everything I have done/need to do in the next couple weeks. :-)

See you sooner rather than later, i hope!

Em said...

Glad to hear you made it...best wishes for the new job!

Anonymous said...

hey! sounds like you're adjusting. i'll be down there with the rest of your stuff soon. by stuff, i mean baby g. can you imagine a long car ride listening to that for hours on end?

tiny robot said...

Ack, i say skip school and come over here next week. I'll even take you out for breakfast tacos.

Reader Of The Pack said...

So, I'm slow. Are you back in Austin?

tiny robot said...

Yep! I'm here. I've been running around crazy for the past 6 days, but life is starting to become normal again. Baby G gets here in 2.5 weeks.

Reader Of The Pack said...

yay! we should catch up sometime!

baby guanaco said...

i'll be there in no time, tiny robot. beetle boop.

baby guanaco said...

just you stay off the beans and chilli dogs, ackky.

tiny robot said...

Wow, glad I'm not going to be stuck in the car with Emerson and Ack... be sure to keep the window cracked, Baby G! Yee Haw!