Wednesday, May 31, 2006

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes
you might get what you need

The day is here. I've cleaned out my desk drawers and taken down my ElVez poster. I'm really looking forward to my new job. It won't be perfect, no, but hopefully it will be better.

The past two years have been rocky but enlightening ones. I think I did a lot of growing up. I learned not to let anxiety rule my life and that life is too short to settle for less. Took me long enough, didn't it? Heh!

It's time for Chapter Next. See you there, Gentle Readers.


themellenhead said...

You've brought a tear to my wait, that's sulfuric acid.

Can't wait to see you in Austin!!

tiny robot said...

Just for that, you're going to sit through The Break Up with me.